Grab a FREE 20-minute copy review to find out how your copy can work harder for you.
No more guessing on what might work.
Perfect for you if:
> You have existing copy that you suspect is failing to connect and convert because your analysis is showing you high bounce rates, low open rates, and poor click-through rates
> You’ve been trying to squish copywriting time into your already busy working day, and it’s always a rushed job to get it done. You're feeling the overwhelm
> You need someone with that expert objective eye to show you where the missed opportunities are
> You're on a budget and need to know what you should "fix" right NOW, so you can feel confident pitching your business
What'll you get for your 20 minutes?
A mini report containing suggestions for changes for what’s potentially not working, and confirmation of what is probably working - in fact, your existing copy is most likely not far off the mark, and may just need tweaking to squeeze the extra juice out of it!
In 20 minutes, we will be limited to just x1 webpage of no longer than 500 words, or x1 email of no more than 500 words so we can focus on getting the most out of your precious time
Tips and tricks that you can take away and implement on your own - I’m always happy to share my knowledge!
How does it work?
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Book your timeslot with me directly:
2. I’ll reply asking for just a smidgen of background info about your offering and your marketing asset. I’ll also request that you send me the webpage/email you’d like to review in advance.
3. I’ll prepare the mini-report and go through this with you during our chat, actively listening and answering any questions you might have.
I’ll use heuristic analysis to review your copy - that’s just a fancy, industry-specific way of saying I’ll use my expert eye to give you objective and constructive feedback you can apply right away.

This is a FREE 20-minute taster of how copy can make a big difference to the performance of your marketing activities; so we won’t have time to go into any great depth or additional pages/emails. We’ll have enough time to discuss the following:
> Headers and cross headers: do they convey the value proposition, pull the reader down the page, and match the reader’s stage of awareness and expectations?
> Body copy: are there any missed opportunities or anything that distracts the reader, as well as a look at clarity & tone.
> Primary Call - To - Action copy: let's move away from "sign up today" and "learn more" style button copy that don't create any value for the reader
What if you decide not to book?
Of course, you could continue on the path you’re going down with the copy you have. It’s an option.
But you’ll never know how much time you might save yourself, or the leads you may generate… investing just 20 minutes is an easy win!
Now, you might be thinking, “Why are you the one to fix my copy, Anneka?”
I’ll not bore you with my CV (!) so here is a breakdown of how I know what makes sound copy:
I have 8+ years of experience working in-house as part of both large and small marketing teams. I’ve run multiple campaigns simultaneously from "cradle to grave" and EVERYTHING in between, including writing copy that worked with each campaign strategy. I'm not a journalist or literary editor turned copywriter. I'm a Marketer.
Who's hired me? I've worked for big international companies such as Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and Informa Plc, as well as smaller outfits. Check out my Linked in profile for more details here
My qualifiactions:
☑️ 2015 Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Diploma in Professional Marketing: Strategic marketing, Mastering
metrics and Digital strategy.
☑️ I’m also well versed in Conversion Copywriting methods from my studies at CopySchool, delivered by the one and
only Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers.
☑️ I also earned some stripes in SEO in order to enhance my copywriting abilities from Digital Marketer.
I’ve written long and short form conversion & branded copy for professional services, events, pharmaceuticals, auto and travel & tourism. This means I’m an all-rounder and and a quick study precisely because I've been writing copy for a variety of industries.
I’m painless to work with - at least that’s what everyone tells me. Probably because I ask a lot of all the right questions up front, and listen carefully to what you need from me.

"Anneka created a well thought out and properly articulated landing page for us. She took the key pieces of information I gave her and did a great job of capturing the essence of what I wanted to communicate about me and my business. She made the process so easy."
Elyse Tannenbaum, Owner, BodyWorks Yoga

Don't over think it. Grab this opportunity to make your copy work harder for you!
Sounds great...
...but what if you need a deep-dive copy audit?
Are you looking for more feedback?
> Your CTA buttons aren't getting enough click throughs
> You've larger chunks of copy in your campaign that could do with an expert eye
> You know you need to "prove" why your product/service is the best...but how without the hard-sell?
Email me at letting me know which assets you’d like to have audited in greater detail, and what your end-goal is. I'll follow up with a quote right way.